Sunday, October 17, 2004

Croc Update

I've been asked whether the croc below was the same one that was despatched by the vitim's 60-year-old wife, wielding a nail scissors to put out its eyes, which is apparently the version that the UK tabloids have been peddling. The answer is yes and no.

I really should have updated the posting but now, having read the most lurid Aussie tabloid I could find and several other sources, I can tell you that yes, it was the same croc. But....what happened was that the man was dragged by the legs from his tent where he was sleeping with his two sons. His wife, and she is 60, was woken by the noise and started struggling with the croc but I can find no mention of a nail scissors being involved. She was then joined by a local with a gun who shot the reptile in the head. He had a mate standing by with an axe in case the bullet didn't finish it off. He sounded quite disappointed he wasn't needed.

So there we are. But I quite like the idea of a 60-year-old grandmother who goes camping with a manicure kit, can find the scissors in the dark, and is then willing to set about a crocodile with them to save her husband. By the way, which Richard posted the comment? Was it one of the two I know, or someone else entirely?


Richard Sambrook said...
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Richard Sambrook said...

It was the Richard who leanred his journalistic craft sitting at your right hand on the SOuth Wales Echo. The fact that my name is next to the comment should have been a bit of a give-away....