Monday, October 11, 2004

More Wildlife...

No sooner were the words about below about wildlife packed off into cyber-space, than I turned on the lunchtime radio news to hear that two men and a woman had been airlifted to hospital in Cairns after they were attacked by a crocodile while sleeping in their tent in a Queensland national park. Their injuries, a jaunty hospital spokesman said "were mostly fractures."

Feeling grateful we didn't end up living in Queensland, I took my sandwiches into the garden to witness a fly-past by a huge, lumbering insect, its long, ginger wings slowly beating the air, and with something like a skewer dangling beneath it. I don't know what it was.

1 comment:

Richard Sambrook said...

WOuld this be the same Croc attack where the beast dragged a man from out of his tent and was fought off by his 60 year old wife jumping on top of it and blinding it with nail scissors? We keep up with these things here thanks to our fearless tabloid press....